What I’m Watching This Week – 23 July 2013


Many of my readers have emailed me asking where my weekly market statements (nerd speak, as I’ve been told, lol) have been as I haven’t posted anything in July.. Honestly, I’ve been on an extended, self imposed holiday and enjoying the absolute heck out of it! I’m also in the process of switching employers, so bear with me please. I haven’t had a proper vacation in YEARS and I was way overdue.

I expect to return to the airwaves, in a couple of weeks. Where have I been, you ask? San Diego, of course and Puerto Rico!! Those that know me, know my absolute passion for the Caribbean islands. Those that truly know me, understand that Puerto Rico has a unique and special significance to me. And no, Jamaica (my favourite Island) , Barbados (my ancestral homeland) and the Bahamas were not on the itinerary this time.

I’ll return refreshed, relaxed and re-energized very soon. I appreciate the notes and private comments.

Have an amazing week! Cheers!!